About Our Authors

Michael Sensale

Mike Sensale is a native of Northern Virginia.  He writes for a not-for-profit covering local government and writing general interest articles for a blog.  He has conducted workshops in poetry and participated as a panelist in after class discussions.  Mike writes and presents poetry and fiction, including radio-style skits.  He is published in poetry and short story anthologies and published his first novella in a crime detective series.  He continues to reside in Northern Virginia and enjoy its beautiful seasons, local flavor, and rich history.

Growing up, Mike followed classic tales of crime fighters like Batman, The Shadow, and Johnny Dollar, police procedures and private investigators such as Dragnet and Broadway is My Beat, and pulp westerns including Gunsmoke, Have Gun Will Travel, and Walker Texas Ranger.  These good guy/bad guy, straightforward, plain prose stories are the inspiration for Mike’s new pulp narratives. Mike discovered the comedian George Carlin while in high school, and although he thoroughly enjoyed Carlin’s humor, he was most interested in the single poem, “Modern Man,” Carlin wrote for its style and range.  Mike looks for topics about everyday reality and presents them in the stream of vocabulary that reflects the everyman experience.


Spilled Ink is an open mic night that celebrates the written word. Join local authors, poets, and scribblers as they read their work. All are welcome to listen or read! Be brave!

Rising Writers

A one day workshop for Prince William County students in poetry and prose, followed by a Q&A panel for participants to ask how best to get their work a wider audience.


Conceived as a conference for middle school students, grades 6, 7, and 8 and their parents, offered workshops in poetry and fiction.

Ada Jensen

Ada Jensen was born in New Jersey.  Graduating college as a mathematics teacher, she eventually founded an engineering business with her husband.  In retirement Ada owned a hobby ceramics shop.  After retiring again, she began to jot down her recollections, from pre-World War II to post 9/11.

Her verse was found and collected posthumously into what she called Snippets.

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About Curious Penman

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