Write By The Rails Meeting

9/30/2023 ‑ The Curious Penman attended an impromptu morning meeting of local author’s group Write By The Rails, hosted by Ms. Mary Ellen Stone, at Panera Bread in Manassas VA on Saturday, September 30, 2023.  Coffee was consumed and extensive conversation was enjoyed. New ideas and favorite topics were discussed at length, with the Curious Penman addressing current projects and upcoming venues such as Spilled Ink Virginia and the Write By The Rails Winery book event.

Exchange of ideas ranged from monster fiction and gargoyles, the classic monsters to television shows, fantasy fiction such as Lord of the Rings versus Outlander, and pulp fiction such as the Philip Marlowe, Sam Spade, and Conan stories.

Spilled Ink East continues on second Friday’s with the upcoming October 13, 2023 7:00 p.m. meet up on Zoom, an online open mic forum.  Write By The Rails is hosting a Writers Enrichment venue at Barrel Oak Winery on Saturday, October 14 at 11 am.

For Write By The Rails, check out their Facebook page. Catch Spilled Ink Virginia every fourth Friay at 6pm at Jirani Coffeehouse.  Check out what Curious Penman has to offer in our Books section!

Commencing Launch

Thank you for visiting Curious Penman.

Curious Penman offers visitors a blog where readers interested in our products can see what’s new and where to purchase them.

We’re launching two new authors. Michael Sensale offers three new pulp stories and Asa Jensen presents a life lived in verse. Go to Browse Books for more information.

Also, on September 11, 2022, Michael Sensale will be at Arts Alive! from 12 noon to 4 PM. Come meet the author and talk pulp!

See you there!